10 tips for running your first ultra


Her Trails – a platform and community that supports you in discovering your resilience, self-reliance and play. We have witnessed the transformation of many women who have embraced discomfort and tackled their first ultramarathon – but in a way that’s a little bit different. We’re not here to create programs that will burn you out. We are a team of Mums. We know that life can happen and sometimes training sessions do not. But we also know the power and beauty that comes with setting a goal for yourself and taking consistent action towards it. We want you to feel what happens when you do hard things. When you achieve something you didn’t think you could do and alongside others on the same adventure.


Here are 10 things we want to share if you’re thinking about running your first ultra. Real thoughts, advice and tips from our coaching team.


1.  Your first ultramarathon will always be a stretch goal, but the type of event you choose can make that stretch reachable or a baptism of fire. Reflect on your past running & fitness experiences to help guide you.

2.  Do your homework: get clear on the specifics of the ultramarathon you are signing up for: how supported it is, can you have a pacer, what is the mandatory gear, what is the elevation like. This will help you prepare and train.

3.  Sign up to a training program – it will create structure and accountability – both of these things will give you freedom.

4.  Find a program that is holistic in nature: you want to incorporate strength and mobility sessions into your run programming. This will make you stronger, less injury prone and more able to take the load that comes with ultra running.

5.  As soon as possible, it’s great to do your long runs while testing out different nutrition to see what works best for you.

6.  Less is more: you need to meet all of the mandatory gear but be critical with any additional items you carry on you. Every gram adds up and can weigh you down. It’s also a great opportunity to practice removing the everyday luxuries we have in our life and going back to basics. We often think we need so much more than we do. This thought process doesn’t extend to items that are included for our safety.

7.  Seek out training partners. It will help you with motivation and keep you company when you are out for many hours!

8.  Your race day hydration and fuelling is important but so too is your hydration and fuelling in the weeks leading up to the event. Don’t start at a deficit.

9.  Like any adventure, an ultramarathon is likely to throw you curveballs… From the training period to race day. Don’t just prepare yourself for the physical discomfort – but see challenges as part of the process.

10.  Race day tactics: Walk with a purpose not a porpoise – power hiking the hills is a great way to switch up the muscle used and sustain you for the duration of the ultra.


We believe it is powerful for women to carve time for themselves whilst unlocking the potential that is within their female physiology. At Her Trails, our programs provide education, inspiration and support. You are guided through our online programs by world class coaches, endurance athletes, speakers & thought leaders.

We have our next Ultra Trail Australia (UTA) group cohort starting on December 26th!! This specially designed program will build you up for the 11, 22, 50 or 100km events taking place in mid May 2023.


At Her Trails, we have also designed the perfect program if you are interested in getting started with ultra running! Our 50 km and 100km programs are 20 week programs that you can start at any time to suit your event goals. Coached by our triple threat-team of Samantha Gash, Bec Wilcock and Jo Nevin – this program will build you safely and holistically towards your goal.


View our range of programs (from 10km – 100km) here. You can email us at info@hertrails.com if you have any questions for our team.